You can quickly translate Word, PowerPoint, Excel, TXT and XML documents.
DocTranslate allows you to get automatic translations of various types of documents while keeping their layout.
The program supports about 53 of the most popular languages around the world, both for the source and target languages. It allows you to select your source document, the languages, and your preferred translation engine. And then you can start the process. But the most powerful feature of the program is probably its ability to store the translation of some common phrases and sentences - manually translated by you - so that you can reuse them later and provide more and more accurate translations every time. The developers refer to this as the Translation Memory, or TM engine.
The program offers you a "human improvement" section, where you can see all the paragraphs in the document and their proposed translation, so that you can make corrections and save them. This is the way you can enrich the program and get better translations in the future. When you translate a document, the program creates a new one with the same format, the same layout, and at the same location as the original one. The only things that vary are the file name and, of course, the language.
Finally, the program allows you to keep several TM engines for different language pairs, saved on specific locations on your disk. You can also configure all the required parameters for the Google and Microsoft translation engines, and there is an "Advanced" section that allows you also to configure some more technical parameters, in case you are an experienced user.
- Supports several common types of documents for translation
- Keeps the original document layout
- Supports about 53 of the most popular languages around the world
- Allows you to choose between two powerful and reliable translation engines
- Allows you to store your own translation of some common phrases and sentences for future use
- You can keep different Translation Memory files for different language pairs
- You can configure the required parameters for Google and Microsoft translation engines
- You need to keep an active Internet connection to be able to get your documents translated
- Offers so many parameters and options that it may become hard to use for many people
- The program may not work correctly if you connect to the Internet behind a proxy